Douglas Constructions build with Dramix.
Walsh Family Transport – Stage 1 Warehouse Facility at Berrinba in QLD.
Douglas Constructions, along with Malcolm Douglas Consultants, choose Dramix steel fibre again as the best solution for their Walsh Family Transport warehouse project at Berrinba QLD. Stage 1 of the warehouse facility was 5800m2 and was able to be supplied by Neilsens Concrete and placed by ShepCon Contracting in just over a week, helping to achieve the very tight deadline for the project.
Technical solution:
- Dramix fibre only Jointless slabs
- Slab 150mm
- Dramix 3D
Dramix fibre only Jointless slabs meant that adjacent pours could be completed on consecutive days with no need for saw-cutting or placing of any conventional steel mesh. And with no saw-cuts there is no concern for potential future maintenance associated with them.