Combi Slab – Containment bund
The Dramix® Combi Slab solution enabled the design of a water tight layer and construction of the bund without any joints, using one layer of mesh plus Dramix®.
Leakage of containment bunds can be an issue and costly to put right. Typical design and construction has sealed joints and expensive water stops. However, if the bund cracks outside these control points then there commonly isn’t enough reinforcing to control them to acceptable levels. Alternatively, heavy top and bottom reinforcing can be used to reduce the number of joints, this is expensive and difficult and time consuming to construct.
Joint free liquid tight slab
North Island, New Zealand
Technical solution:
- Fibre type: Dramix®
- Concrete thickness: 120mm
- Concrete quality: C30/37
- Project size: 1,500m2
- Engineer: Calibre Consulting Engineers