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50,000m2 of completely seamless, absolutely no construction joints or saw-cuts, external pavement required to carry very heavy loads from bulk container storage and container handling equipment.

Owner: ACFS (Australian Container Freight Services) One of Australia’s largest container freight logistics providers.
Builder: Hansen Yuncken
Engineer: Northrop Consulting
Location: Port of Brisbane, QLD Australia
Application: Combi Slab


Postal handling facility

25t post load

Restraint conditions

Client requirement no joints

Time restraints for const.

Detailing the slab with joints to guarantee avoiding uncontrolled cracking under service stresses wouldn’t have been possible. The Dramix® 4D Combi Slab solution took this restraint into account and enabled the construction of a joint free floor.
Hamilton, NZ
Taking the restraint into account, the Dramix® Combi Slab solution enabled the construction of the floor completely joint free, eliminating construction and importantly maintenance costs associated with sawn and movement joints. This was important to the building owner because hard wheeled forklifts has been shown to cause extensive damage to joints.

Pallet storage facilities are heavily trafficked and can have high point loads from racking. Being able to eliminate joints is an attractive proposition to the building owner because it reduces downtime and ongoing maintenance costs associated with the upkeep of jointed floors.

Using a Dramix® Combi Slab solution meant this restraint could be taken into account in the design of the floor and enabled the construction of a joint free slab.

This was beneficial to the building owner because it eliminated the ongoing maintenance costs and disruption associated with joints.

The Dramix® 4D Combi Slab solution enabled the construction of this joint free 100mm thick topping layer.

For the same crack width design, the use of one layer of mesh (7.5mm wires at 150 c/c transversely and 100mm c/c longitudinally) plus Dramix®, resulted in a cost effective solution that was simpler and quicker to construct.

A conventionally reinforced solution would have required 2 layers of reinforcing bars to ensure a crack width of 0.2mm.

To achieve the same crack width, the Dramix® Combi Slab solution only required one layer of bars plus Dramix®. A simpler, faster and more cost effective option to construct.